Things You Need To Know About Productivity Hacks.

Productivity is a severe concern for almost all companies that further enacts as the major deciding factor in the profit margins.

But you might be wondering why productivity is so essential for companies?

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic is currently in its most severe form and spreading like wildfire. As a result, everyone is looking for the best ways to avoid making contact with infected individuals.

Implementation of the “work from home” culture is the first significant step toward combating this disease. That makes productivity a severe concern for any organization. 

Hence time and again, an employer keeps searching for various tactics to keep their employees productive and motivated. So, this article aimed at bestowing some of the best productivity hacks for the management. Lastly, we will tell you about some productivity killers and how you can control them to increase productivity.

But before getting deep into this article, let’s focus on what is productivity?


Productivity is the ratio between the volume of the output and the input volume is usually defined. In other words, it measures the efficiency with which input of production, such as work and capital, is used to produce a specific level of product in an economy. 

Now you have the idea of productivity, without wasting much time, let us move to some of the best productivity hacks for remote team management.


#1 Put an end to multitasking.

The first step toward increasing productivity is to stop multitasking. It is one of those time-saving habits that busy people have developed over time by doing multiple things at once or switching between tasks.

Unfortunately, multitasking is a phony efficiency that wastes more time than it saves. Researchers found that multitasking has a variety of harmful effects on the human mind.

#2 Take periodic breaks.

The human mind can only focus on one task for so long. According to some studies, people lose focus after 10-20 minutes, while others are a little more generous. Certain more recent studies suggest that in the digital age, people’s attention spans are much shorter.

In any case, an hour is a long time to maintain focus, which is why taking short breaks is beneficial. The Pomodoro Technique, which entails working in 25-minute increments with a five-minute break, is one of the most popular productivity principles.

#3 Block entertaining app/website.

The average digital employee can’t go more than 6 minutes without checking email or instant messaging, according to RescueTime’s research. Because of the digital nature of our work and social lives, we are constantly checking for notifications. And the constant distraction restricts our ability to focus on tasks for even short periods of time.

It needs to change immediately.

These are the hacks that can help you to increase productivity.

Now, let us find things that are killing the production growth of your business.


Work appears to be more organized in remote work culture. Managers can easily manage projects and delegate tasks to employees based on the organization’s priorities.

Management, on the other hand, does not have this luxury when working remotely. As an employer, you can’t be sure that your tasks or projects complete on time. That could have a variety of consequences for productivity. And management would have a hard time pinpointing the productivity killers.

Here are some of them:


Nobody likes working in silos! And that is one of the most challenging aspects of remote work. Fortunately, online collaboration tools enable today’s workforce to communicate with one another.

Managing and coordinating various types of work in an organization hasn’t gotten easier. Manually switching from one platform to another takes more time than a seamless transfer of knowledge and solutions. And that’s a lot of time that has spent improving production.

Depending on how well your team works together and adapts to technological changes, they can be productive even when working from home.


Employee engagement is another essential factor that can affect productivity. People are naturally motivated to do their best in an open office. It’s because the people around them are aware of their efforts. Employees are also attempting to be more productive by taking advantage of remote workplace opportunities. However, no one wants to be less effective in a team of hyper-productive team members. It is common for employees to work beyond their limits and work overtime when they work remotely.

Also watch: How To Measure Productivity Of Employee


I hope this article has helped you with some knowledge about the productivity hacks and killers that will help you to improve productivity. Utilize tech solutions that allow you to manage, monitor, and control the output of your remote working team.

07 Simple & Quick Hacks To Improve Employee Work Efficiency In 2021

Flexible working hours are directly proportional to the completion of tasks with perfection. For instance, employees might feel lazy after the lunch break, so their productivity won’t be much satisfying during that time. Your team will undoubtedly feel inspired, happier, and valued if given the freedom of choosing suitable working slots.

Considering the benefits of work efficiency, many companies have adopted remote work as a permanent working trend. Statistics also claim that productivity becomes 14-15 percent more when employees execute their jobs from home.

Jump on the bandwagon of Innovative Technology

None of the organizations can taste success without keeping pace with changing technologies. Innovation always aims at easing up manual work. That’s indeed necessary for this age of technological breakthroughs. Replacing big & heavy desktops with lightweight & portable iPad is one such example. It allows employees to accomplish urgent work on-the-go. Meanwhile, they get timely notifications about a sudden meeting or call without any fail using portable devices.

Try Mapping 

Amateurish work procedures can turn even a most productive employee into a frustrating one, which immediately attacks the outcome.  Try mapping in order to screen down every single process that takes place inside the company. Investigate the foremost cause of productivity decline and try to improvise work efficiency. You can also conduct weekly review sessions to figure out the actual productive capacity of processes. Or else, handover this responsibility to the head of each department.

Inspire Your Team

Workplace efficiency improves when your team is inspired enough to collaborate well with everyone in the group. For this, employers must grab a golden opportunity where they get a chance to assimilate workers from different departments. Doing this is a great way to cut down communication flaws and encourage your team to work with honesty. Furthermore, companies organize events such as charity, sports day, and other fun activities that fuel up brilliant energy in employees.

Promote A Healthy And Cheerful work environment

Workforce Efficiency

Joyful employees remain focused on their jobs and don’t indulge in non-productive things, especially stumbling over social media profiles. Now, the question is- what makes them happy? How to increase work efficiency? And so on.

Although there are a bunch of ways, appreciation continues to be the best. Offer monetary and non-monetary, both forms of appreciation whenever employees do something that is beyond expectations. Another best thing, offer ‘EOQ (an employee of the quarter award) to deserving candidates. All these give you access to a healthy workplace environment.

Avoid Frequent Meetings

Did you know? US companies alone spend more than $35 million annually on business meetings. On the other hand, employees exhaust 40% (approximately) of their working hours here. It symbolizes not to waste money, time, energy, and resources over frequent meetings is not a smart move. It ought to be arranged when needed the most, mainly when hiring in bulk or changes in workplace policies.

Switch To Automation

Work Efficiency

Human potential is limited up to an extent. Even though a person is very hardworking, he/she can’t work 24-7. Here’s when companies should look for automation. From using employee monitoring software to utilizing insider threat prevention tools, employers uncover sure-fire ways to raise productivity in a nutshell.

People Also Search For:

1. What Are Intelligent Productivity Hacks?

2. How To Motivate Remote Employees?

3. How To Motivate Remote Employees?

Also Learn, How To Manage Employee Attendance In Remote Work?

Final Words.

In addition to the tips added above, numerous tips contribute directly or indirectly to raising the overall work efficiency of a firm and save them from falling behind. Altogether, we arrive at an end conclusion- ‘achieving professional success is neither impossible nor a child’s play’. We hope that things will work right for everyone.

A Brief Overview On How Corporate Record keystrokes For Legit Purposes

Keystrokes logging approach is no longer an alien concept either for individuals, small businesses, or big corporations. There’s a safe bet that you are already familiar with the same.

By the time technology has been working on its side, crooks kept manipulating the advantages of techniques, including keylogging. Fortunately, corporates are now making the right use of keylogging for what it’s indeed supposed to function.

In this post, I am about to uncover some astonishing perks to record keystrokes aside from digging out more about user activity tracking via keylogging-related deeds. Let’s plunge then!

What Does Keystroke logging precisely mean?

As evident, we will be on the business aspect instead of jumping on individual cybersecurity scenarios.  

Approximately 80% of companies are still working with remote teams, thereby struggling hard to deal with insider threats, data theft declined productivity, etc. Here comes the need to practice keylogging in order to ensure safety on logins, access to websites, payment details, live chat/email communication, and a lot of other confidential information.

Keylogging is all about the installation of  free keystroke tracking software on company-owned premises operated by employees. The software actively keeps a sharp eye on user activity to protect policies and statutory provisions.

The ultimate objective of organizations behind keylogging

Record Keystrokes

Companies embrace keylogger software merely to eliminate flaws and maintain productivity equilibrium. In simpler terms, they mainly keep 03 purposes in mind, which are:-

  1. Live monitoring: 
  2. Post-incident investigation
  3. Easing up auditing

Knowing The Mechanism Of Keylogging.

Corporate keylogging avoids presenting data for manual evaluation. That might be due to safety concerns or the challenges of manual inspection. At the same time, data turns useful for:

Keyphrase-based analysis

Admin keeps the ability to reveal information regarding what employees type on the keyboard in case something seems suspicious.

Live Alerts

For better protection, keyloggers also send timely alerts to administrators. For example, admins get notified whenever the employees access data that lies under ‘sensitive’ criteria.

More About Advanced keylogging

Average keyloggers come with limited abilities. But, if you own a big company, then prefer backing advanced software. As the name says, it offers finer functioning, consisting of IP address details. What’s more? Read them below:-

Changes in the text

Whatever editings the user makes in the text are visible to the admin. It will later get presented through different versions.

Sharp tracking

Not just the phrase/text, keyloggers effectively feed in facts of the edit, delete, replacement of even characters.

  1. Copy or paste: Copy/paste activities on official devices.

2. Spun text: Modifications in text via spinning.

3. Commands: Unfolds shortcut, Unix/Linux, and other commands used by the IT unit.

4. Drop-down menu:  Everything in respect of changes in field values in the drop-down checklist

Bright part of video surveillance and keyloggers

An ideal keylogging software integrates at least two basic specifications- ease to record keystrokes and video recording. However, a large portion of companies feels comfortable embracing screenshot monitoring in place of videos.

In connection with upsides, keyloggers easily determine if the business processes are going in the right direction or end badly. At the same time, managers get full control over the company’s valuable data by receiving updates about every single input. Collectively, employers can root out anything that can later give rise to annoyances.

Out there, several keystroke detectors are available. But, if you want to choose a multifunctional tool, then consider trying out all-combined software. That goes on adding up EmpMonitor, Veriato, TimeDoctor, and alike.

How does it go with employee privacy?

The overall synopsis of corporate keyloggers can’t sum up without shedding light on employee privacy. 

Organizations must disclose the implementation of any kind of  keystroke tracking software,that is close to monitoring, tracking, or keylogging. Other than this, companies ought to record keystrokes only for managing sensitive data rather than locating random actions. This way, both employees and employees could maintain healthy relationships beyond any disagreements.

Also Learn, How To Manage Employee Attendance Using EmpMonitor?

End Thoughts

Most businesses nowadays record keystrokes, track productivity and streamline working approaches to wipe out the potential threat that violates post a threat to company’s sensitive data. As a piece of glad tidings, employees have also become aware of the benefit keylogging brings for them. Earlier, people had a lot of misconceptions, but that is vanishing as time passes on.

The Best Employee Productivity Tips That Actually Works!

Before starting with an article on, how to maximize productivity and be more productive, remember to be kind to yourself and your mistakes. People always struggle with improving their work habits consciously or subconsciously for both good & bad. 

But, when it comes to maintaining productivity, many of us think of it as- more output in less time or finding out different ways to obtain better outcomes with limited resources. It is a flawed concept not entirely true!

If you are always searching for inspirational quotes or productivity apps to be more successful in your professional life, consider the below action-packed productivity tips to improve your overall work performance.

How To Be More Productive?

Here are some tips to be more productive:

Is there anyone who is not busy these days?

Most of us wake up each morning leveling packed schedules and a long to-do list.

Out of such a busy schedule & sheer survival instinct, this article, after a lifelong study on productivity & time management, serves you some top productivity ideas that will help you get things done.

Tackle Your Reasonable To-Do List:

First of all, understand your productivity graph and schedule your tasks accordingly to the least productive time. Set goals daily. Then start with the hardest one as there is an expression by Mark Twain- 

Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. 

The above phrase acts as a metaphor for having an efficient time management rule. Thus, try to get the important tasks done first and also build up a tide for the day. You might have a clear thought of urgent tasks and time-consuming tasks. 

In such a case, you have to work on that urgent project putting away your scheduled to-do list for the moment.

Take breaks:

Do not let yourself get exhausted or overburdened with tasks that decline your productivity to work any further. Taking regular short breaks is one of the best productivity tips. Another thing you need to consider is drinking more water to stay hydrated.

Work for like 90 minutes with 10 minutes pause to refresh & refuel yourself. If you talk about new joiners, they might get exhausted in the first half and sometimes lose their creativity, focus, and motivation. So how will they even continue to work?

Therefore, taking breaks is crucial to stay focused and makes us capable of dealing with stress.

Stop Multitasking:

Initially, we were on the topic of figuring out one task at a time, so here we will discover the drawbacks of multitasking in productivity. Sometimes it is easy to get distracted while doing multiple tasks, and it makes people less productive. Switching tasks frequently also reduces productivity. 

Ultimately, you can say that dividing your attention into multiple tasks could decrease focus and increase mental stress. It may lead to a lack of completing assigned tasks on time. Therefore, take frequent breaks, warm up yourself, organize your day in such a way as to complete all the designated tasks along with urgent ones before the deadline.

Avoid Non-Productivity Customs:

Comply with the mentioned points to be more productive. Ultimately, you can say that an average productive person might have the following customs: 

1. Procrastination

2. Not Admitting Mistakes 

3. Not Having Proper Goals

4. Not Having a Proper Structure and Taking Too Many Breaks

5. Easily Targeted To Distraction

6. Too Much dependent On Other People

7. Not Finishing Work On Time

8. Merging Professional & Personal Life

9. Using Unnecessary Information

Pro Tip: Amid so many simple productivity tips, no wonder how people still struggle to get the results they want. Here is a list of some extra peaks of productivity: 

  • Value your productivity graph 
  • Prioritize the important tasks
  • Avoid getting exhausted
  • Set daily goals
  • Limit your distractions
  • Ask for help from your team members if you are struggling with any tasks

Wrapping Up:

One can achieve success by being dedicated to their work and managing time efficiently. It is okay to have an unproductive day if you are going through a rough time. But at the end of the day, it’s all about upgrading the workflow. The above list covers all the tips to be more productive. So, what are you waiting for?

Pick the more relevant tip, and start maximizing your productivity right now!I hope this article will incorporate the best productivity tips to reach an extraordinary level of success.


Employee Break Policy

We all need to rest once in a while to boost our workflow morale. A recent survey has found that most of the employees acknowledge that taking breaks helps them to be more productive. But what is the employee break policy, and why do employees need to take a break?

This article is going to discuss and clear up all your doubts regarding the break policy. Every IT department has a certain schedule with respect to the hours the employees work in the organization. It is the policy of the firms to implement refreshments and meal breaks throughout the day. Such flextime empowers all the employees to energize themselves during their scheduled working hours.

Employees play a significant role in shaping the workplace culture, and do you know who keeps the company running even during its low time? It is the employees who are working day in and day out to maintain the productivity of the firm. So. when you let them refresh and refuel, you indirectly step up ahead to a better productivity rate.

So, yeah! Taking breaks can positively affect employees’ performance but in a positive way. Here are the things you need to consider before making a break policy for your business.

Break Policy:

Every organization has certain rules when it comes to implementing break policies for their work staff. So the employees can take leisure without affecting the productivity of that particular company.

Generally, the employee hours are devoted to 6 to 8 hours a day, so that it is required to provide a minimum of 20 minutes break.

Most of the country has provided the right to take a short 10 minutes to break every 4 hours. Also, the employees can spend this time away from their workplace.

All the organizations follow the standard employee break policy. That is 20 to 30 minutes of break in 6 to 8 hours of the working session.

If the workers are devoted to multiple shifts/tasks, then the break time must distribute accordingly. Thus, the employees will never get fatigued and feel overburdened with work due to long working sessions.

Why Do Employees Need To Take a Break?


Employees are the prophet who takes the organization to achieve its targeted goal. Therefore, employers need to make them flexible to increase their conversion rate effectively. But, when the employees proffer with a repetitive task for too long, they might get stressed and their working speed decreases with time. 

In such a case, the employees may sink to give their hundred per cent that leads to minor mistakes, which can induce a huge impact on the organization. These things can not be neglect when the employees are working online. As there is a chance of data breaches for the company.

Considering all, the employees must recommend taking short breaks between every 3 to 4 hours of work. So the employees can overcome the physical & mental exhaustion which causes a lack of consistency in work.

Besides all, by taking breaks, the employees can relax to learning and focusing mode.

Type Of Breaks:

Here are some types of break the organization should consider in their break policy.

Rest Break:

Rest Break

Usually, the rest breaks are up to 5-20 minutes, depending on the working sessions. Most businesses have 8 hours of work schedule each day.

Plus, they allow a 10 minutes break in half work sessions of 4 hours.

Based on the Fair Labor Standards Act, a company should give the right to take fair rest breaks to the employees.

Meal Break:

Meal Break

The employers need to provide 30 minutes or larger time for a meal break to the employees as they are working for more than 6 hours each day. The mealtime break should be devoted separately rather than the regular production hours. And this will never affect productivity & employees can work efficiently after having a good meal.

Hence every organization must allow its employees to take a meal break. If the employees are working during the meal break time, the management should award compensation for such workers.

Some Other Type OF Break:

  • Smoke Break
  • Restroom Break
  • Health Hazard

All these breaks will not intend to affect the work operation of a particular organization. Therefore, you can schedule them accordingly.  All these rest breaks and other breaks include in the paid form of working hours. 

Wrapping Up:

Now, you might have understood the importance of break policy in a business firm. This article is to make the employee realize a clear and fair procedure that you are offering them. So the employees will follow the laws of their respected organization.

I hope this article will help you with the utmost information regarding the employee break policy.

03 Best Time Tracking App Reviewed For 2021 & Beyond

In an organization, time tracking plays a crucial role in productivity administration and improving work performance.

Thanks to technology. It has made things more relaxed compared to that of the situation ten years ago. Now, various timesheet software, productivity tracking, and time tracking apps are available out there. Besides all these, companies can also leverage multiple benefits of such software, including internet activity control.

In this new year – 2021 let’s look a little more further at reviewing the top 03 best time tracking app for the next few years. Let’s begin.

List of Top Time Tracking Software (or apps)


Best Time Tracking App

EmpMonitor is a robust time tracking cum productivity management software that has unique features. 

Glimpses of EmpMonitor’s Abilities:-

The software profoundly analyzes a company’s productivity and then dispatches 360-degree comprehensive reports to top management for upgrades.

Screenshot Monitoring

Screenshots always present firm evidence than other forms of data. In this context, EmpMonitor appears the best for monitoring internet activities and to  capture screenshots within 15-15 seconds of time intervals. These screenshots remain in the database for 90 days, and the admin can customize these to needs.

Browser Tracking

Be clear about the concept that we are not here to blame any productive employee, but we want to shed some light on negligence. A robust workforce supervision software lets employers maintain records of every single web activity, as does EmpMonitor.

Stealth Mode Operation

EmpMonitor keeps a check on every second (of the working hour) without letting employees know about its functioning. Stealth Mode becomes mandatory when workers in an organization don’t even try to understand the awe-inspiring benefits of using time tracking software. In such circumstances, management feels better not to disclose their idea of using tracking tools.

Pricing- EmpMonitor has multiple plans according to the current need of companies worldwide, aside from a free plan for small companies.

Toggl Track

Toggl Track is best for those who need to use the best time tracking app, but can’t do much for it. This time tracking platform comes with excellent apps (android, iOS, mac, and extensions) in addition to the core features of a high-performing tracking app.

The software feels so convenient because it doesn’t ask for many details when you proceed to monitor. On the other side, similar apps demand information, such as project name, client, task, and many more, which might be annoying sometimes.

Moreover, the firefox and browser extension version of Toggl Track adds up a timer on almost every web platform, including Google Docs and other Google apps. By doing so, it assists users in keeping a check on timing via the timer. 

Pricing details- Toggl Track is free for 1-2 users and two on-going projects, however, charges become $12 per user under paid subscriptions.


Everhour is another excellent time tracking and scheduling app that integrates with productivity management you already use for the team. Due to this, managers can multiply their overall ability of surveillance. Everhour automatically recognizes and feeds-ins entire project details for further functioning. 

The app moves an advanced step to offer a precise timer over the web app you use. Using this, you can begin, pause, and end time recording in no time. Though the timer is quite beneficial, the feature is not so unique. In other words, a lot of time tracking software has already rolled out this ease. 

Everhours also figure out if employees are available throughout our working hour or have been irregular because of some genuine reasons. All in all, it’s a full-fledged time measurement software used by companies nowadays.

Pricing Details: Everhour remains free for up to a maximum of 5 users. But, the price rises to 45 per user when you choose to integrate the app with renowned project management software like Basecamp or Asana.

What Features Contribute To A Terrific Time Tracking App?

Time tracking in real-time: Right now, nearly all tracking apps avail real-time. It means users can set a clock while starting a task, and they can stop (pause) it whenever needed.

Manual edits: Along with automated operation, best employee time clock app ought to allow manual customization. Thereby, employers get the ability to make changes in time-blocks and do other crucial things.

Report generation: The creation of a report sheet comes down to a powerful one. By having a comprehensive dashboard and reporting features, task management turns easier.

Also, Watch This Detailed Video About- Best Time Tracking Software | Productivity Management


Picking the best time tracking app is not challenging unless you walk through the wrong approach. This description in our article will guide readers thoroughly about how an efficient app looks. As a result, this stuff saves you from bogus deals

In-Depth Guide On What Is Time Theft & How To Prevent It

Time Theft

Time theft!! It is one of the biggest stumbling blocks which commonly goes unnoticed by the higher authorities. We can always find them among employees and hired contract workers.

If you ask what is time theft or want to define it, then the simplest statement is- when the hired employee is being lazy during their working hours and getting paid for the time they have not been productive enough.

Whether it is attendance fraud, time-stealing, time clock fraud, or timesheet fraud, all such things come under the time theft class.

The consequences of time theft can cost more if you are not concerned about it. In this article, we will dive into internet time theft, why it happens, and how to prevent time theft. 

What Time Theft Exactly Is?

What Time Theft Exactly Is?

Time theft is the employee is getting paid for the hours they are not actually into their work or the assignments they have not actually done. Time theft is accidental, deliberate, or just negligent that harms the business directly through the loss of both time and money.

However, time theft is not about any particular person, title, or business. Time thieves exist throughout & can be created in avoidance of work.

Therefore, time theft prevention is a must.

Indeed, there are various ways internet time theft can happen in a company, and it may seem hard to identify the actual one.

Generally, being late for work and leaving earlier is quite common in every workplace. Except that, have a look at the following examples to know what is time theft.

  • Timesheet fraud
  • Unauthorized overtime
  • Doing personal activities during working hours.
  • Buddy punching
  • Proxy attendance

How Do You Prevent Time Theft?


There are billions of questions to which every employer wants to get an answer. The company has to implement a smart system and a strong policy to bring transparency to your projects/assignments.

Follow the mentioned ways that might help you to prevent time theft.

  • Set a clear objective for the employees so that they can complete their assigned tasks on time.
  • Make a better communication session with your employees and try to know the issues and resolve them. It will let you know about their time frauds and other extortion activities.
  • Execute proper policy plans and maintain discipline in your company. Hence, you can eliminate bad practices like computer time theft. 
  • Implement a timesheet management software to monitor the attendance and working hours of employees remotely.
  • Another thing to consider is the application usage and computer activity of the employees. You can find whether the employees are working on other unproductive apps or using social media during employee hours.
  • Combine the payroll of the employees according to their work time.

Why Does Time Theft Happen?


Time theft happens because of malicious or lazy employees. The stealing time at work is used to the mentality of distortion or just a matter of convenience or might feel like they are not part of the team.

First of all, the employer should know what theft of computer time is to overcome its gruesome consequences. 

Nowadays, different business managers and owners are adapting automatic time tracking solutions so that employers can monitor working hours in real-time.

Fortunately, EmpMonitor is the one that provides you with all the features which help to keep track of work time.

This tool can be for several businesses, including the IT sector, Legal Services, Finance, Banking, Educational institutes, Health Care business, and more can get benefited from it. 

EmpMonitor is an easy to use work time tracking feature. Here are some of those features to know before using it.

Easy to install: It has an easy installation set up in an employees’ system without interrupting other regular work activities.

Tracking productivity: This helps to keep track of productivity from employees of the organization.

Apps and Websites Usage: You can get the apps & websites that the employees used during their productive hours.

Work time analysis:  It can be done by considering the employees’ on-screen activities, whether the employees are active during working hours or not.

Auto screenshots: It automatically takes screenshots of employees’ systems in a few seconds.

Wrapping Up:

The harsh reality is, time theft is considered a pivotal issue in many organizations. In such a case, understanding what is time theft and preventing it by using the best course of action can be a better aspect.

I hope this article will help you to keep a closer look at the employees’ computer activity.

Quick Guide On How To Make Remote Employees More Productive

The term Work From Home remained confined for years. But after the gigantic wave of covid-19 hit the world, shutting everyone behind the doors, remote working came into the limelight.

Employees are currently not safe while working in an office. Indeed, any sort of work can get effectively done from every corner of the world. That might be the employees’ home too.

However, remote work is cool for the employees. But it would not be a strong drift if the employers would not recognize the benefits.

So, every company has work from anywhere policies, which planned to increase productivity, lower organization costs, and reduce turnover.

Hence, this was all about remote work up to an extent. Let’s get straight to some notable tips for how to work from home and how to keep an eye on remote employees throughout the day to maintain productivity.


Manage Regular Hours:

To manage regular hours of employees, they need to follow Schedule time & stick to it- rule. To continue a well-balanced work-life for employees, introduce well-defined instruction with a clear objective.

Work from home has various benefits & flexibility is one among them.

For a flexible work schedule, employers can consider auto time tracking tools like EmpMonitor, Which will let you know about the remote employees whether they are performing their working schedule or not. Such a tool comes up with easy to use features and estimates the productivity time to its fullest.

Plan For A Training Session:

It can be a great idea to plan for a training session for the employees to make them more creative and responsible for their work while working remotely.

Well, employers can also implement specific tools for their respective organizations. It will help to maintain the records on the work performed by the employees during the working session.

So, get your hands on the best employee tracking software, such as EmpMonitor. It is inexpensive, economical yet proffers a detailed report about employees.

Plan The Break Policy:

Employers should understand that remote employees can not work throughout the day without taking any break.

Hence, the higher authorities need to implement a Break Time policy on their plan other than the lunch hour.

Breaks are an essential portion of the “how to work from home” plan. Make sure that the remote employees are not misusing the facility. Because this eventually makes employees unproductive, and they failed to complete their tasks on time.

Communicate With Employees:

The employees should interact with their respective co-workers. It is also necessary to have good communication with the higher authorities. It helps employers know the reason why the employees are unable to perform their tasks on time.

Hence, make sure to have a communication session with your employees so that you can estimate their issues to maintain productivity.

Hold Meetings:

Conference calls and meetings are an integral aspect of a remote working environment. These options tend to help a lot when you have to share any data/information with the whole remotely working team.

Try to hold the meetings and conference calls at a specific time. Make sure you share detailed information with the employees so that no one has a doubt. 

Besides all, the company must appreciate their remote workers who have excellent performance and work dedicatedly.

It will definitely encourage employees to work even much better.

Are you looking for such a tool that provides all of these scheduled tips for managing remote employees?

Then, EmpMonitor can reach your expectation as it is one of the best employee monitoring tools that tracks and records employees’ activity without any hassle and stores all those data in the cloud so that the higher authority can get back to them later.

Grant Leaves:

The remote worker must not work on their sick days. So they must allow taking leave for that particular day. The organization needs to understand and grant leaves to the employees because they can not be harsh on them & ask them to work on their sick days.

Considering all, the company must introduce a “Leave” policy and let the employees get back to their work with a full spirit.

Over To You:

Work from home strategy can be empowering & even profitable for any organization, whether they have a small business or a well-established one. This approach has added a great responsibility that comes with freedom and hours of uninterrupted work.

I hope this article will let you know more about how to work from home. Also, reach your expectation regarding remote work management.

Why Cybersecurity Is More Important Than You Think?


Small or big scale organizations have one common goal: to grow their business to a great extent. They are working with the employees or customers all day, taking care of the administrative tasks. But not aware of the cyber attacks that are increasing gradually. 

Small scale businesses are targeted mostly by hackers as compared to large brands. But you can not blame the owner of the small business for underestimating the risks. 

According to the latest cybercrime reports, 66% of the small brand had been targeted by hackers in the preceding twelve months. Almost one-third had been the sufferer of a data breach with difficult financial consequences.

In this article, I will share some short knowledge about what exactly Cyber Security is and some of the tips on how your business can avoid holding a victim of a cyber-attack.

What is cyber-security?

Cyber-security helps organizations and individuals to reduce the risk of a cyber attack. Its function is to protect the devices like smartphones, laptops, computers, and tablets we all use and the services that we access – both at work and online – from damage or theft.

It’s also about restricting unauthorized access to the personal information we store these online or on the device.

Why is it important?

Why Is It Important

Cyber-security is very much essential in our day to day to life. We cannot think of life without computers, the internet, and smartphones. From shopping and online banking to social media and email essential for us, we can stop a cybercriminal from getting hold of our accounts, devices, and data.

Tips business can avoid holding a victim of a cyber-attack

Cyber-security measures

As the world takes in the cures for the cyberattack, organizations should reanalyze the security measures and implement powerful/robust features.

Employers should instruct employees to use an encrypted messaging app to interact with each other. Also, to install the latest antivirus on their systems.


You can save your system and connections from outside threats by using a VPN. Ask your employee to use VPN while doing any official work that can help to secure your network and make your data safe.

Make safe password practice

Yes, it is frustrating for the employee to change the password once every month. However, Data Investigations reports found it happens due to weak, lost, or stolen passwords. So, it is essential for all companies to make their company network data protected. Every employee needs to make their password with lower and uppercase letters, symbols, and numbers and change the password once every month.

Back up your all data regularly

Back up your all data regularly

We cannot make the hackers stop hacking but can take precautions from not being hacked. It is essential to backup all your files like the electronic spreadsheet, financial files, database, word processing document, and account payable/receivable files to save your data from cybercriminals. Make sure you are storing each and every backup in a different location.

 Use a firewall

One of the essential parts of defence in cybercrime is to make use of the firewall. Every company should install a firewall to fit a barrier between the cybercriminal and your data. It is also essential for the employees to install the internet firewall even if employees, doing work from home.

Wrapping up

It is essential for every organization, large or small, to build powerful security protocols. So, employees save their valuable data from hackers.

Are you worried! How to check whether your employee is using any security measure or not?

Don’t worry!

Many other tools are available in the market to make your data safe from hackers. That has features to track your employee and also check any other security measures happening inside the employees’ system.

I hope this article helped you with short knowledge about cyber security and how to be defensive from hackers.



Productivity is one of the most significant parts of a workforce, whether remote or not. Managers work their heels off in maintaining the balance of output every day to earn maximum profit productivity is mandatory. Since productivity is the ratio of the resources provided to the total output yield, the employers make sure about how the workers are utilizing the resources. 

For understanding the strong and weak points of the team, the managers must track the total productivity. There can be some conflicts in workers’ minds regarding the continuous monitoring of their work. But sooner or later, they will surely understand the reason behind it. It will help them to set the targets and achieve them on time. After the remote workforce, it has become 10 times necessary to keep an eye on productivity because some employees tend to waste their office hours for no reason. 

So, come, let’s learn how to measure productivity in a remote workforce:

1. Build A Strong Base:

The base is the most initial stage. Make your employees understand from the beginning of the remote workforce to deliver 100% productivity even if they work from home. Not only this but, being the employer, you should start maintaining the records of overall productivity your employees are delivering. 

2. Specify The Targets:

Before you assign projects to your employees, specify every task in detail, and ensure they get your point. If there’s any doubt left in their mind, the impact will be on productivity. Also, make sure to assign projects to workers as per their specifications for quality work. 

3. Describe Their Roles: 

Managers should describe the responsibilities of every employee. It will teach them to be accountable for the work due, and so they will perform their roles strictly. If they understand their tasks well, they will finish them flawlessly on or before time and maintain the work balance.

4. Set Examples:

To maintain a smooth workflow, employers should differentiate between productive and non-productive workers. It will help them to set an example for the non-productive ones to understand the qualities they lack in themselves. Instead of kicking them out of the firm, every employer should try to improve such employees. 

5. No Repetition:

Check out the assignments that your employees are working on, and stay alert that they are not repeating the same tasks, as it will lower productivity. Doing the same work, again and again, will lead to unfinished work. So, assign them different tasks to keep a balance in the total output of the firm. 

6. Monitor Individually:

Apart from monitoring the team at once, try watching them individually. It will help you know the difference in productivity and the reason behind the same. You can also help the workers resolve the issues they are facing to increase the output. By doing so, you will come to know which employee is working productively and who is not.

7. Ask For Updates:

Ping every employee to drop “EOD Updates” to inform you about the work done on an entire day. So, in the urge of sending updates on time, the employees will make sure to finish the work on the same day and avoid delays. Hence, it is one of the best answers on how to measure productivity

8. Motivation Is Necessary:

Keep your employees motivated to ensure better productivity in the firm. Encourage your employees by praising them for their hard work, which will motivate them, and they will work with more energy in the future. Appreciate them in front of everyone so they can fulfill their goals in time. 

9. Offer Initiatives:

Offer your employees the initiative to speak the ideas they have in their mind to grow your business. Giving importance to them will help you build a good relationship between you and the workers, as the employees are not just to meet the targets. 

10. Examine Their Qualities:

Some employees have the urge to learn new things irrespective of the work they do. In such cases, do not judge your employees as unproductive and give them a chance to learn something new and prove themselves to you.  


I hope you understood how to measure productivity when your employees are working from home. Try these methods and increase your firm’s productivity for remarkable growth.